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Rob's Family
Everyone came over to our house for Game Night on New Year's Eve.
Luke - need I say more?? 12/31/03
We all played Trivial Pursuit - but the kids' team won since they were using the Jr. version. - 12/31/03
Connie brought the party hats. - 12/31/03
Unfortunately, the auto focus didn't choose to focus on Connie & Jackson. 12/31/03
We took a break from all the games to visit a spectacular Christmas Display. Jackson's in front, followed by Luke & Riley and Max & Jacob in the back - New Year's Eve, 2003
You can't celebrate New Year's Eve without Party Hats!
Rob and the boys played cards - New Years Eve, 2003
Jacob & Max - 12/31/03
Mary & Chad - Christmas, 2003
Max & Jacob look on as Riley plays with a new game. Connie and Jackson are in the foreground oblivious to the concentration going on beyond them. Chrismtas, 2003
Riley watches as Max beats Grandma in a Connect Four game. - Christmas, 2003
Connie, Jackson & Camryn - Christmas, 2003
Peg, Connie, Mary and Cami - Christmas, 2003
Peg, Riley & Max - Christmas, 2003
Max looks pretty excited about his new GameBoy Pokemon game. - Christmas 2003
Mary, Rob, Karen, Connie & Peg - Christmas, 2003
Grandma Karen with her Minnesota grandchildren: Riley, Max, Luke, Cami, Jackson and Jacob - Christmas, 2003

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